XPS RF Technology Division Home PageWith years of experience in radio control aircraft/UAV electronics development, XPS has been the industry leader providingcutting edge technology to entities such as NASA, law enforcement agencies, the U.S. government, Hollywood productionstudios, and many others.XPS has spent the last 2 years developing long range RF transceievers, designed to be used primarily with UAV/UAS setups. During the course of this development it became obvious that this technology can be used for many other fields. So, a RFTechnology Division of XPS was estalblished. The goal of this division is to develop and market consumer and industrial RFproducts.Using electronics built by an ISO9001:2000 certified contractor, quality and reliability are never in question. Over-engineeredto meet the rigorous requirements of the space program, weapons control systems, and other high demand applications,products sold today will still be fully operational for decades to come.Our engineering staff can provide many different solutions for your RF needs. We specialize in data encryption, datacompression, frequency hopping, firmware development, and hardware integration. Our products are primarily 802.15.4based, but we can support other modulation types. Both 2.4GHz and 900MHz products will be available.Do you have a need for Zigbee/802.15.4 communications? If so, let XPS help you integrate our technology into your productline. Using our pre-certified RF hardware means you do not need to wait on FCC/IC/ETSI testing, so your time to market canbe reduced from months/years to just weeks! Contact us now with your development request by clicking here.Take a look at our lastest news by clicking the NEWS link above. We always have something new and exciting to share.